Friday, 7 June 2013

Books of Adam

I bought a standing air conditioner. It's on wheels so I...

I bought a standing air conditioner. It's on wheels so I can position it in front of me while I play videogames in my underwear. I love it. I'm changing my Facebook status to "engaged." Please respect our privacy.

I hope using children as a distraction tool is an option in Last...

I hope using children as a distraction tool is an option in Last of Us.


I may have gone overboard with the wall colors in my...

I may have gone overboard with the wall colors in my apartment…

I always know its time for bed when the sunlight peeks through...

I always know its time for bed when the sunlight peeks through the window and slices across the wall.

Yay tank top weather! /sarcasm #isitfallyet

Yay tank top weather! /sarcasm #isitfallyet

I reached the end/start of your Tumblr. I reached the end/start of your blog. What now?

Um, you watch Aaliyah tribute videos on YouTube? Because that's how I'm spending my Saturday…

Leslie and Anne have the best relationship on television. Here...

Leslie and Anne have the best relationship on television. Here we have two adult women, whose friendship blossomed in adulthood, whose relationship isn't based on competition or jealousy. They love each other, respect each other, and support each other. That's such a rare thing to see on TV. We need more of it.

I am wearing a Onett little league t-shirt right now so you saying Earthbound is one of your favorite games makes you a billion times more awesome to me now.

Honestly if Earthbound isn't in your top 5 you should just go jump into a volcano.

You are my everything.

And you mine.

I am going to Portland this summer(yay!). Any places u personally recommend to visit?

Sushi Ichiban, the Japanese Gardens, Ground Kontrol, and the food carts downtown (or any of the food cart clusters, really).

What is your favorite 5 games? And also, Console or PC...? Or both?

Fallout 3, first and foremost. Then in no particular order: Final Fantasy 7, Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter (did anyone else even play this?), Earthbound, and Chrono Trigger.

This is part of a longer comic on my blog.

This is part of a longer comic on my blog.

Something about inspirational quotes on pictures of food just...

Something about inspirational quotes on pictures of food just seems so right.

Have you ever considered accepting fan mail?

People ask about this a lot. Maybe I should set up a PO Box?

This is basically what its like being a writer.

This is basically what its like being a writer.





Texting Kristin from Mexico. More stuff at Books of Adam.

Texting Kristin from Mexico. More stuff at Books of Adam.

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